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Shear Joy Pet Grooming LLC provides a stress- free grooming environment. In order to keep a relaxed and safe environment for your pet we groom by appointment only and each pet is given a specific time slot based on service, age, behavior and weight. Each
dog is an individual and requires a different amount of time to be groomed, prices will vary. A price range can be given at the time you make your appointment; however, we cannot give you a solid quote until pet is evaluated.
Please call or text 304-692-9666 within 2 hours prior to your appointment to cancel or reschedule. Taking time with each pet is extremely important to Shear Joy Pet Grooming LLC therefore, we only take a limited number of appointments each day.
Any cancellations made after (unless emergency situation) the 2 hour time frame will
owe a $15.00 inconvenience fee due at time of next appointment.
No call no show
If you do not arrive for your scheduled appointment you will owe an inconvenience fee
of $25.00 at next appointment. second offense will be removal of pet as a client.

Picking up/ arriving late

at time of appointment groomer will get an estimated time on how long pet will take for the groom, groomer will then text call when pet is ready or "will be ready in _ minutes"
it is expected to arrive no later than 15- 20 minutes to pick up pet, unless previously
discussed with groomer. Arriving later than 20 + minutes to pick up pet will result in an
extra $5.00 every 10 minutes pet still remains at shop.
Arriving more than 10 minutes late to scheduled appointment will result in a fee of $5.00
for every 10 minutes of no arrival being more than 20 minutes late to appointment
results in cancellation of appointment, unless previously discussed with the groomer.

Aggressive Behavior and Bite Policy
Should your pet display aggressive behavior towards the groomer, we will make all
attempts to finish grooming your pet with a muzzle. A suggestion may be made to book
your dog regularly to work on desensitising them to the grooming process, there is no
guarantee that your dog will allow the grooming but regular exposure will help in some
cases.Safety is the number one priority.
Special Handling Fee
The owner and employee(s) at Shear Joy Pet Grooming are trained to handle dogs with
hyperactive they require special handling and a bigger time slot for their appointment. In
$5-$25.00 depending on severity.
Elderly Pets
many different personalities. However, when a pet is extremely unruly, aggressive or
a case such as this one a "special handing fee" is added on to the total cost. Fee is
Special care is required in grooming elderly pets and at the salon. Health, safety and
comfortability of the pet is #1 priority. Some elderly pets require an extra hand to help
them stay standing in order to be groomed properly. Extra time is also allowed so as to
not overly stress the pet. If pet becomes too stressed, or uncomfortable we will not
continue on and give pet a "comfort groom which does not always look perfect. You
will still owe for the price of the appointment.
All pets are required to be up to date on Rabies and DAPP (Distemper, Adenovirus,
Parainfluenza and Parvovirus). You must show proof at your appointment. We sanitize
our salon and equipment thoroughly between appointments and because we are one on
one the Kennel Cough Vaccine is optional.
Pets groomed on a regular basis adjust and cooperate to the routine. Pets that are not
groomed every 4-6 weeks may become matted. Matting occurs from lack of
grooming, coat overgrowth, lack of brushing/combing. Additional fees may be applied
for a matted dog. When matting is severe and/or close to the skin the ONLY humane
way to get rid of the matts is to clip the coat close to the skin. In some cases, they can
be removed by splitting, thinning and then brushing them out.
A matted pets cost for grooming is $55.00+ for smal dogs, $80.00+ for medium dogs
and large dogs $120.00+ and $65.00+ for cats. Price will depend on length of time
matted pet takes, severity of matting., animals behavior and all over health condition.
There is an additional fee of $15.00 per hour to dematt your pet if groom takes

longer than an hour and a half. Matting requires longer and in most cases require two haircuts, the first to remove the matted coat and the second to even up the coat after bathing. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY HEALTH CONDITIONS THAT MAY BE DISCOVERED DURING GROOM.

Fleas & Ticks

If fleas are found on your pet during consultation we have no choice but to send the pet home until proper flea treatment is given. Fleas jump from host to host and we cannot risk the health of our other clients. If fleas are found during the bath, we will immediately give pet our All Natural Flea & Tick Treatment (additional $5-$10), towel dry pet, then call for pick up. Pet cannot be blown dry as the treatment ONLY kills the adult fleas. This shampoo is not a preventative measure. You MUST purchase additional treatment (We highly recommend the Seresto Flea & Tick Collar) Once pet has been properly treated you may rebook. You will still pay bath/ flea bath price


All pets being groomed must be bathed here at Shear Joy Pet Grooming LLC, there is no 'discount" for dogs bathed at home before their groom (the ONLY exceptions will be at the discretion of the salon owner, based solely on dogs with special needs). A professional bath, brush and blow out is included with every grooming appointment, and this produces a much nicer base for a great groom. We strive to cut your pet's hair as close to what you'd like, but sometimes it's easier to notice things at home than during the excitement of reuniting with your pet. If for any reason you'd like us to tweak your pet's haircut, call us within 48 hours and we will correct any issues at no charge, not including a bath.

Bathroom Policy

Please make your best effort to potty pet before they come for their appointment. There are no spaces to have pet relieve themselves at the front of the building, we do have a small area out back and would be happy to show you where you may take them. If pet has an accident on the sidewalk, parking space or in building PLEASE tell us so we can give you proper clean up gear. DO NOT LEAVE FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO STEP IN. Please keep an eye on pet at ALL TIMES. Sometimes when pets smell the scent of another dog they will urinate to "mark territory' PLEASE do not allow them to urinate on retail, walls, chairs etc. We understand accidents happen but please tell us so we can take care of it immediately

Quality Guarantee

We make our best effort to interpret the grooming instructions given. Please know that a desired groom from pet parent is not always attainable due to pets behavior, coat condition, medical issues etc. We always want pet parents to love the way their pet is groomed. Please tell us of any issue/dislikes about the groom we provided and we will fix, free of charge. This offer only stands for 48 hours prior to getting pet home. After 48 hours anything brought to our attention will be charged in addition to groom price. Leash Policy Because this parking lot and plaza is very busy, we require all pets to be on leashes or in carriers. Pets can easily break free from your grasps when frightened or excited. Shear Joy Pet Grooming LLC is not responsible for any accidents that occur in parking lot plaza or when pet is not properly contained.

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